FT Wilshire GLIO Listed Infrastructure Index Series
Setting a new market standard for infrastructure indexes
A transformational moment for global infrastructure investing
Global Infrastructure has evolved today to include more modern infrastructure, assets that incorporate technology – specifically, the delivery of data and services, with a larger focus on digitization and energy transition.
As the growth in infrastructure accelerates globally, the importance investors place on sectors, countries, and regional exposure is emerging as a key theme in infrastructure allocations.
The growing weight in US equities and the regulated utility sector group in standard indexes has led many global investors to seek an infrastructure index series that offers greater diversification.
To meet the emerging needs of global investors, the FT Wilshire GLIO Listed Infrastructure Index series has been expanded to include three new capped indexes based on the developed markets’ portion of the broader global index.
- FT Wilshire GLIO Developed Listed Infrastructure Capped 50% USA Index
- FT Wilshire GLIO Developed Listed Infrastructure Capped 50% Sector Index
- FT Wilshire GLIO Developed Listed Infrastructure Capped 50% Sector & USA Index
The FT Wilshire GLIO Developed Listed Infrastructure Capped Indexes are suitable for investors seeking extra diversification by either dampening the growing market cap weight of US equites, reducing the weight of the regulated utility sector group or by imposing both limits simultaneously.
Discover the full FT Wilshire GLIO Listed Infrastructure Index Series.
The FT Wilshire GLIO Listed Infrastructure Index Series provides exposure to globally listed companies which own and/or are operators of infrastructure assets. Wilshire consults with the Global Listed Infrastructure Organization (GLIO) which is the representative body for the $3 trillion listed infrastructure asset class.
Explore the latest News and Insights
Read our latest research which examines the properties of these capped indexes and compare them to their uncapped counterparts.
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Catch a replay of our recent webinar discussing the new landscape of global infrastructure and opportunities surrounding digitalization, decarbonizations and deglobalization.
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Take a closer look at GLIO’s recent piece examining the pros and cons of global listed infrastructure benchmarks
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